Thursday, August 2, 2012

10 Bad Habits I’ve acquired while in Ethiopia
 1.  I am constantly dreaming about food usually American but anything I can readily get back in the states.
2.  I will almost always forget to flush the toilet as there really aren’t any here, it’s an oddity.
3.  My bed time is 9:15 pm sharp and will forever stay that way.
4.  It’s ok to talk about any stomach ailment and tell any poop story when at the dinner table.
5.  The ground/floor is my new garbage can.
6.  Nap time is from 1:00 pm-1:45 pm daily as I do not need 2 hours to eat lunch.
7.   It’s ok to stay home and do work.
8.  I never wear seat belts (they don’t exist on any bus).
9.  It’s ok to stand under a metal tin roof in the middle of rainy season when there is lightning and thunder present.
10.  Dirt & Bugs are still awesome!
"Life is tough wear a helmet"