Tuesday, March 27, 2012

10 signs that prove you’re on Ethiopian Transportation…

To: People Back Home,
10 signs that prove you’re on Ethiopian Transportation…
1.         You are sitting 3 people to… 2 seats
2.         All windows are closed on the bus…for fear of Tuberculosis
3.         The lady that’s sitting next to you has butter in her hair (Yes, they do this and it smells awful)
4.         Your bus driver is taking a blind curve, wide.
5.         Only the thump, thump beat of Tigrinya music can be heard through blown out speakers.
6.         The bus driver only slows down for all cattle, donkeys and sheep…Humans don’t count!
7.         The bus boy promptly doubles the price because your white. Luckily you know what the real price is so you hand him the exact amount and claim you have no more money as you show him the insides of your pockets.
8.         There is a goat on top of the mini bus and a lamb at your feet.
9.         The person next to you is throwing up because of motion sickness.
10.       A full mini bus to any bus driver consists of no less than 20-25 people when it only actually seats 12 …

            True Statement!  
"Life is tough wear a helmet"

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